Who Thinks What About the Proposed National Food Security Bill?
Government Bill Draft:
Covers Below Poverty Line (BPL) families
Defines women as head of household
Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) to allocate the grain
Ensures 25 kg of food grains for Rs. 3 per kilo to each family per month
Central Government responsible for identifying poverty levels and allocating food or money to state governments
State Governments responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the resources
- Panchayati Raj institutions and the formation of vigilance committees
The National Advisory Council’s (NAC) recommendations:
Should ensure subsidised food grains for minimum 75 % of the population
Should include a division of “priority households” and “general households”
Priority households: monthly entitlement of 35 kg at a subsidised price of Rs. 1 a kg for millets, Rs. 2 a kg for wheat and Rs. 3 a kg for rice.
General households: monthly entitlement of 20 kg at a price not exceeding 50 % of the current Minimum Support Price for the three grains.
National Binding Obligations:
Article 47 of Indian constitution: Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health
Article 21 of Indian Constitution: Protection of Life and Personal Liberty
- The National Human Rights Act 1993: to respect, protect and promote human rights in India
India: Signatory of International Human Rights Agreements:
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): right to adequate standard of living
The Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1979): right to adequate food and freedom from hunger
Convention on the Rights of the Child (1992)
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1993)
Millennium Development Goals (2000): halve the proportion of people living with hunger by 2015
FAO (2004)
Right to Food Guidelines:
Freedom from hunger and right to food
FIAN – Fighting Hunger with Human Right and civil society groups:
The Bill:
Must ensure government responsibility for securing people’s livelihood
Must ensure government responsibility for allocating the necessary resources
Must ensure 80 % local food production – reduce wastage
Must secure farmers’ right to land and protect land from non-agricultural use and private investments
Must ensure government responsibility for securing people’s livelihoods. This involve producing food indigenously, adequate wages and full employment to all and access to production resources
- Must institute a national monitoring mechanism – linked to prime minister’s office
Read more about the proposed Bill, food security in India and national and international laws and treaties under the heading “the Right to Food”.