Monthly Archives: January 2011

Democracy in Republic

Dear friends,

Greetings from New Delhi.

Democracy in Republic is the talisman for achieving the human rights. The participants in the democracy should be conscious of the fact that the wide opportunity available in the political system is much more vulnerable to violate the human rights, unless the inbuilt system to purify itself in regular cleansing process of free and fair election is gone through.Moreover multiparty system is the order of the day as the the alternative parties could not practice the inner party democracy. If the established alternate parties allow the right of participation and it’s process in democratic way there in no need for initiating a new party whether in regional and national level. If the alternate parties failed to establish the procedure and allow to practice to the satisfaction of the party members and public then the multiparty system will come in to practice and fulfil the democratic established system .

The UK voters chose the halfway to third party ending in alliance government. Similarly Germany saw alternative parties coming together and formed the government for a term and fail to get second term by same parties. This continues in many other developed countries.

The underdeveloped countries are suffering in the deficit of confidence. Why does this happen ? There are many reasons and differ by geopolitical environment .

Dr.E.M.Sudarsana Natchiappan.MP

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Filed under Human Rights

President’s New Year Message: Leaping into the new Decade

The year 2011 has born with its full pomp and glory. Definitely we made lot of progress and had our work done on complete fulfilling. I thank all the forum members whole heartedly for all our achievements. With the celebrations around the corner let us all energize for the new works we undertake, revitalize our determination on our relentless fight for human rights. On this New Year I wish further decrease in human rights violation, help for the needy, complete abolishment of child labor and the right for food to everyone. I wish all the forum members and their families a happy and prosperous new year. Let this New Year – New Decade bring basic constructive changes in human rights arena and make difference to people all over.

-Dr.E.M.Sudarsana Natchiappan

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Filed under Human Rights