India’s DNA is Global Trade:

India’s DNA is Global Trade:

The Globalisation has made the world to shrink but the market and opportunity to earn and live as one wants it ,widening in fast changing world of commerce. This vista of access to opportunity is to be understood by the citizen of a Nation state and used to enhance oneself to think and act as world citizen. This is nothing but of once thought of by the free citizen at the time of civilisation of a particular geographical area who thought that there is limitless world to explore.

India is a country who had the civilisation’ Mohenjadaro – Harappa’ To prove urban way of city and market as part of the civilisation with most modern infrastructure and scientific Architecture. Similarly many parts of the Country had the historical evidence that International trade had happened by voyage and land route. Chola kingdoms in southern part of India had 53 Asian countries in trade connectivity with help of the King through voyage and Naval armour . The Britishers have subsequently occupied many of the countries and replace Tamil – lingual Franca as English for commercial transactions. There was simultaneous cultural transplantation too.

These are some evidentiary support to show the DNA of Indians in International Trade. The urge to be manufactures and suppliers in the Indian blood. But the 200 and odd years of colonial rule and learning the English language and Bureaucratic way of exploiting the mines and minerals and skills of manufacturing and supplying to the International Market was undone in these centuries. It should be debated to unearth the reasons of DNA knowledge being forgotten due to the recent habit of being party to exploitation of their own wealth for Foreign manufacturers and supplies and becoming the land of buyer market of finished goods and services. This may be reflecting in many of the pages during the narration of Indian systems in the modern India in the Department of Commerce and Industry .

The first decade of Indian Republic (1950 to 1960) was utilised for bringing the system change by inclusion of’ Swedish promises formulated during Independence movement. The kadhi and cottage – village industries , Small and Medium scale Industries and heavy Industries. These Industries made the people to realise their talent . Simultaneously the Educational and Training Institutes along with National Scientific And research Institutes were also developed by the visionary Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as First Prime Minister of India. The scheme such an wide to Include to Nuclear to contemporary best equipped western standard Science and Social research bodies with support of Government of India. The western Nation states also started to look at the vision of India immediately after the independence from Colonial country creating Own Constitution with well placed Parliament, Executive and Judiciary by bringing the best practices from USA and Europe . The framing of the Constitution by western university learned persons such as Dr Ambedkar and Indian university learned persons such as Alladi Krishnasamy scholars made the Constitution of India as clear road map for Progress and Development in an inclusive social, cultural and economic society utilising political tool of democracy for change through debate and vote. This decade history has shown them bit ions and happiness of citizens for well tuned progress. But the clarity of the leadership of Federal States created different level of growth pattern and change towards the goal of fulfilling the Fundamental rights and Directive Principles of State policy.

The democratic changes in National and State level through the General Elections in 1952, 1957, and 1962 has showed that the democratic tool for social change had been in the hands of some State leaders who cannot agree with the National thought and leadership on different speed and decree growth pattern in States due to non availability of team work and non formulation of one road map. This contradiction was reflected in 1967 election and the formation of State level Governments. The system created at the two level of Governance as Union Government and State Government went on different sides of growth model and choosing the priorities. Ten State governments were changed from the hands of National Party to regional parties. The reason for changes were also for multiple reasons. The National dialogue and system were different from the Sub regional level .

The National system gradually eroded the State powers through the concurrent powers given in the Constitution. The Constitution of India has such flexibility and response to the National thinking and road map to suit the International pulls and pressures. The contradiction had created another decade of exploitation of the well trained brains of the National institutions and State Institutions to ‘ brain drain’ by the Western countries more specifically USA and Europe. In the name of protecting Mother India the sons of India developed those countries through the opportunities available in those countries. Theoretically the colonial exploitation continued through export of Human resources along with raw materials from mines and minerals. Similarly the best brains with research opportunity in best tools machineries in National Scientific laboratories through out India were making beeline to serve the western countries.

The Public sector should be friend , philoser and guide & teacher and hand holder of private enterprises was the theme of’ Mixed economy’. The Private Sector became typical exploiter of human resources and raw materials for aggressive profit making unites rather learning the western management and marketing for fair profit in more wide spread market. Public sector becomes liability to Government as the dependency of Bureaucratic to make business decisions in the guise of accountability to Parliament. This becomes breeding ground for corrupt bureaucrats and labour leaders making the Public investment as source of big wasting taxpayers money and public assets as mines and minerals.

The democratic tool the General Election for the Parliament delinking State Assembly Election in National level brought a leader to create new discourse for making the system correction 1971. Prime Minister Smt INDIRA Gandhi brought the shock – treatment to the Enemies to the Nation by Nationalisation of Banking following the earlier Nationalisation of Oil and Natural gas, Insurance, and certain number of Textile mills. This allowed bureaucracy to play the decisive economic governance. This experiment of Nationalisation and monopoly in certain sectors helped the Nation to stream line the wage increase to workers , inclusiveness of different social spectrum of people from Indian States, opportunity to inclusive growth and use of potentiality from neglected population.

The changes of different countries from the collapse of Socialist Soviet Russia and China made tilt towards new-capitalist economy. The conservative capitalism could not be continued as more education and Scientific changes due to innovation and Intellectual Property regime has brought to Professional Management from from family Management.

When the decade of 80 gave the holocast of Communism in the world the natural phenomena of filling up the space lead to the globalisation as remedy for humanity. The emergence of World Institution for international Trade as WTO has changed the entire discourse as democratic world were every Nation is equal to another and no body has exclusive right of veto others decisions arrived by consensus. This environment of democracy has created certain obligations to maintain the International standards. Naturally this makes the individual or group or Institution in Trade practices to learn and qualify to fit in the system for getting market in any country by following the need of the customer country.

The market economy is driven by the principle of creat awareness of good product – manufacture/ produce- deliver at appropriate time for affordable price to the value of product and services. This philosophy of market is totally alien to certain producing or Manufacturing country. If the better understanding of the market need and the pre request to catch up the market is learned by the stake holder then he dominates the market or occupies comfortable share of the market.

The learning process is part of globalised economy. But affordability of learning in quicker way and adopt ability ever changing need of the market is the interesting part of market economy. For innovation and novelty , India is the forerunner to the world till the colonial way of Administration interferes following two centuries of killing of Indian way of best way of life dedicated the innovation and novelty of ones Intelligence. The statutes of British Parliament as early as 1858 and subsequent integration of Statutory support for Indian Laws and regulations were implemented with colonial way of handling by Administration where both Executive and Judiciary were part and parcel of integrated Administrative mechanism. The Indian bureaucracy never forgotten this acquired habit decision making, enforcing the decision and put on hold of decision in the name of showing the authority on the beneficiary to oblige the corrupt need of system or twist the decision in such a way that it gets spoiled unless obliged to the corruption. This Bureaucratic character occupied the democratically elected representatives also as they they found comfort in corruption. This virus started to spread at delivery level from State government and central government system and occupied the very root of democratic system. Democracy is described now a days as breading ground for corruption and exist as integral part.

This is for away from truth in a society of rule of law and FairPlay. More so this theory of corruption is distortion of classical theory of democracy. But for the present discourse on adoption of globalised economy India has created system in best suitable way. But the bureaucracy and Political head of the department never found the ingredients of the integral part of system creation and availability of the best governance opportunity. This is the non usage of the available system and various parameters and signs in the dash board.

Leather Export Promotion Council is a statutory body for developing and promoting the Exports of leather Industry in India. The board is having a full time secretary from senior Indian Administrative service. India leather product manufacturing is the integral part of family participation from ancient times. The Export of tanned leather is facing the restriction by European standards which stops usage and presence of chromium 3mg Cr(6) in the products as it causes chrome allergies . The conventional way of leather tanning using vegetables has created heavy demand in Germany and Japan. The Government has to use the opportunity to develop more and more vegetable usage in leather industry. The central Leather Institute funded as National Laboratories is mandated for research and development . The system in department of Industrial Policy and Promotions has to co ordinate with leather tanners, normally small and medium scale entrepreneurs with leather product producing Industries who are dominant in huge investment and small players too. The domestic demand of the leather for local product producers are to be assessed. If there is surpluses and heavy demand in Global market then it should be regulated for development of domestic tanneries and product manufactures. The Government is convinced by producers to have more exports of end products

Chapter I

Indian Rubber Manufacturing Research Association

IRMRA established in 1959 as a scientific and industrial research organization for promoting basic and applied research & development activities for rubber and allied materials in our country, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and governed by a Governing Council consisting of representatives from Rubber Industry, Central and State Governments, Rubber Board, prominent research and development (R&D) establishment, academic institutes, etc., is functioning under the administrative control of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, New Delhi.

Over the last 50 years, IRMRA has expanded and diversified its activities in both tyre and non-tyre sectors and has become a unique R&D ‘Centre of Excellence’ as par with any internationally renowned institute of repute in the world.
The state of the art facilities created by IRMRA over the years and the expertise developed by its scientists are being utilized by the industries such as rubber, polymer, paints, chemicals and textile to name a few.
Apart from its main expertise in the fields of testing and certification (Tyre & Non Tyre Testing), training, research and product development, consultancy and sponsored research, IRMRA has diversified its activities in different areas to cater to the needs of the rubber and allied industries. IRMRA has been recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India, New Delhi. It is also recipient of many accreditations/ recognitions and certifications from many national and international agencies of repute such as NABL, Underwriters Laboratories (USA), ISO, CEMILAC, DGMS, etc.
In this context, in order to provide further much needed stimulus to this dynamic organization which has recorded 12% growth despite economic slowdown, Hon’ble MoS has visited IRMRA on 26th September 2013. All the scientists’, administrative staff and employees of IRMRA received him with warm welcome and flower bouquet.
After a formal introduction of officers, Minister made a visit to Physical, Chemical and Thermal laboratories, thereafter Tyre testing centre and Rubber processing section. During his visit, he showed keen interest to understand the various functions and testing services rendered by IRMRA to rubber and allied industries. He appreciated IRMRA’s support to small and medium rubber industries for meeting their testing and development needs and also remarkable service extended to all the tyre industries for quality certification. MoS expressed his concern that despite quality order, used tyres were being imported and sold in the market either as such or after retreading the tyre which very much defied the basic purpose of notifying the quality order.
While reviewing the status of various projects, MoS emphasized that IRMRA must pursue the project “Establishing Fighter Aircraft Tyre testing facility at IRMRA” on topmost priority with Ministry of Defence Further, he advised the Director that the IRMRA-East at SARPOL and Tyre testing centre at G-ARC in Chennai should be completed and operationalized at the earliest.
While interacting with officials, MoS said that he would do the needful for extending IRMRA’s services to the rubber industry across the country.
MoS reviewed the skill development activities of LABOURNET and advised them to work with IRMRA for conducting more rubber skill development programmes for the benefit of unemployed youth and the rubber industry. In follow up, with the help of IRMRA & LABOURENT, Hon’ble MoS has organised skill development training camps to impart highly sophisticated skills in rubber technology to the youth in and around Madurai, to provide them employment & to provide skilled labours to the Rubber Processing Cluster in and around Madurai.

Chapter II

The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Geographical Indication

Intellectual Property fuels the engine of prosperity, fosters invention and innovation, and is an intangible asset that plays a vital role in the social-economic ecosystem. Its creation and protection is essential for the sustainable growth of the nation. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) provide protection to the creators and inventors for their intellectual assets in conformity with the public policy objectives of a country. IPRs are essential for the promotion of creation of new technologies, their protection, transfers, and enforcement and dissemination. The “commodification of knowledge” has transformed the different IPR regimes across the world. Knowledge has become a “strategic asset” and its appropriate use can generate tremendous wealth. Properly designed IPRs, calibrated to the social priorities, therefore, act as a driving force of the industrial development of a nation.

Over the past decade, India has shown remarkable ability in various fields of technology such as pharmaceuticals, information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, etc. India is gradually metamorphosing into an “innovation factory” by exploiting its “human capital” with this rapid growth in technology competency, India is predicted to emerge as a leader in the world economy.

Commensurate to this development, IPR Offices in India have been modernized by integration off modern infrastructure, mobilization of human resources, user friendly and simplified filing procedures, and use of state-of-the art technologies. The process of modernization of continuously being reviewed and renewed to achieve the maximum quality of service delivery by these offices.

In this context Hon’ble MoS has reviewed office during his visit on———- office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, Trade Marks and Geographical Indications.

During 2012-13, the filing trend of applications shows a marginal improvement over the previous year. During this period, the Patent Office disposed off 9027 applications, out of which 4126 applications proceeded for grant of patents, 4544 were abandoned and 357 applications were refused after examination. The total number of patent applications examined shows an improvement of 11.21 per cent growth. The number of patents granted during the period of review shows minor decrease compared to the last year but the disposal of patent applications for which requests for examination have been received showed an increase of 6.4 per cent. In 2010-11, the working strength of examiners was 79, while at the end off 2011-12 it reached to 207 due to the recruitment of a large number of examiners. At the end of 2012-13, the total, the total working strength of examiners was 201, however they could not contribute to the examination of applications as they newly recruited examiners underwent thorough institutional and on-the-job training in order to develop trained and expert human resources who will substantially contribute to the increase in examination of applications in the coming years. Also, during 2012-13, Patent Office further upgraded its internal processing systems through the introduction of comprehensive e-filing systems and dynamic modules to assist the public to procure information and filing of their documents. The Patent Office embarked upon an ambitious project for integrating its search facilities through an integrated search platform.

During 2012-13 8337 design applications were filed, which shows a slight decrease as compared to the last year. However, 7252 designs were registered during the year as compared to 6590 during 2011-12. Similarly, examination of design applications also increased to 6776 in 2012-13 as compared to 6511 during 2011-12. In the year 2012-13, 194216 trademark applications were filed. As compared to the previous year there is an increase of about 5.79% in the filing. Since 15th September, 2003, a total number of 404 applications have been received till 31st March, 2013. In the year 2012-13, 24 applications were filed and a total number of 21 Geographical Indications have been registered.

In follow up, Hon’ble MoS also wanted to strengthen the infrastructure of IPAB at Chennai where the clients are most of the time are foreigners, which was presently working at shady rented building. Hon’ble MoS, on his own understanding, that lot of salt lands near Kovalam at Chennai, going un-utilized, has planned to utilise for the benefit of IPAB infrastructure. After following the due procedure, Hon’ble MoS was able to get transfer this land from salt development to IPAB for construction of their office cum residence complex. Foundation stone laying ceremony for this project was held on ***************** at Chennai; it definitely marks the new beginning in the history of IPAB as the world finest infrastructure for intellectual property works.
Chapter III

National Institute of Design

An experience of more than five decades in the field of design-research, application of advanced teaching methodologies, and unparalleled design research projects have together crowned the National Institute of Design(NID) with an international repute. It has been recognized as a scientific and industrial research organization by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. This multidisciplinary institute in the field of design education and research has also earned its place in the top 25 European and Asian programmes in the world. To recognize it as an Institute of National Importance and make it eligible to confer its own degrees, a Draft Act of Parliament is under consideration by the Government of India.
NID redefined its status from being a single-campus institute to a multi-campus institute with a national and international profile. From its small beginnings as an institute that provided undergraduate diploma programmes, it soared to vibrant heights with its graduate level diploma programmes in eight design disciplines and seventeen sector-specific post-graduate programmes in diverse domains of design. NID’s postgraduate campus in Gandhinagar and its R&D campus in Bengaluru added tiers to this achievement. NID is spreading its branches in all directions with its new campuses coming up at Kurushetra in Haryana. Jorhat in Assam, Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, and Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. The state of the art infrastructural facilities such as the Knowledge Management Centre, Information Technology Centre, and Design Vision Centre at NID are other crowning achievements.

Every year, NID yields excellent design professionals to help elevate the quality of life of all sections of people. This is the reason why even today, NID has managed to maintain its image as the most sought-after design institute on a global level. In this context, Hon’ble MOS has conducted the review of NID functioning to bring it to one of the best institute in the design world.

MSME DESIGN CLINIC PROJECT – Funded by the Ministry of the Small and Micro Industries, Government of India
The Development Commissioner (MSME) [DC (MSME)] has appointed NID as the Single Coordinating body/Nodal Agency for the implementation of the Design Clinic Scheme developed by NID for increasing the manufacturing competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises across the country. The scheme envisaging a total budget outlay of Rs.73.00 crores (Government of India’s component of Rs.49.5 crores with 5 per cent design fees for NID) was soft launched in February 2010 by the DC (MSME). Since inception, NID has set up zone-wise regional ccentres at Delhi, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, and Kolkata and an Extension Centre for North-East at Guwahati.

The Scheme has already organized 207 Design Awareness Seminars (DASs), 104 Design Awareness Programmes (DAPs) (25 per cent financial contribution from MSMEs), 68 Student Design Porjects (SDPs) (25 per cent financial contribution from MSMEs) and 110 Professional Design Projects (PDPs) (40 per cent financial contribution from MSMEs) during the last three years. Initially, there were some difficulties in reaching out to MSME clusters and getting the requisite financial contribution from them. We have since then made handholding arrangements with industry and trade associations like CII, FICCI, MCED, IIE, HCCI, FISME, etc. All the efforts are being made to get more DAPs organized, PDPs and SDPs being undertaken by MSMEs are very reluctant to contribute 25 per cent for design clinic workshops and 40 per cent for the design project. Institutions like Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Guwahati, CTTC Bhubaneshwar, etc. have come forward to help the MSMEs by contributing 25 per cent of the cost for organizing Design Clinic Workshops. We have also received State sponsorship for conducting DAPs in West Bengal, Assam, Karnataka, and Haryana and recently from Kerala and Bihar. NID will be expecting more such sponsorships from other states. Hon’ble MOS has organized one special design awareness Seminar and design Clinic project at Karaikudi, Chettinadu Heritage Zone. It was an effort to integrate the traditional art form of Chettinadu to the international design concept to make this art forms more relevant for the international market. This Design Project focused mainly on Chettinadu Pottery, Alangudi tiles, palm tree products, Bronze works, Jewellery etc.


Research and Development Campus at Bengaluru

Hon’ble MOS has reviewed the working of Bengaluru campus during his visit on _____________. NID’s Research and Development campus addresses the long-felt need for a globally benchmarked centre for design research in the country, by fostering the creative design spirits through NID’s design acumen nurtured over the four decades of intense teaching-learning processes. Situated in the Research and Development capital of India, Bengaluru, this centre focusses on high-tech design fusion and includes Digital Design. New Media/e-learning and design for manufacturing, NID’s time tested strength and experience in conducting research at the multidisciplinary level aspires to yield a new guild of “technology-design interface”. The primary aim through such research is to create and share new knowledge in this fast growing and increasingly important field.

The following units are contributing towards the research-oriented endeavours of the Campus:
• Research and Development unit for e-learning and Digital inclusion
• Research and Development unit for Service Design
• Research and Development unit for Game/Experience Design
• Industry Programmes and Projects Unit
• Outreach Programmes Unit
• Jamsetji Tea Design Research Chair for Universal Design
• MSME Regional Centre
• Centre for Bamboo Initiatives
Three research intensive PGDPD programmes namely, Information and Interface Design (IID), Design for Digital Experience(DDE), and Design for Retail Experience (DRE) are offered from the Bengaluru campus.

Chapter IV

Indian Institute of Packaging

Packaging Industry is an important sector, adding value to the various manufacturing sectors including agriculture and FMCG segments. The technology and innovation in this sector is improving day-by-day. The global packaging industry is currently valued at US$433 billion and is expected to grow to US$ 820 billion by 2016. This growth is primarily driven by factors like growing urbanization, investment in housing and construction, a burgeoning healthcare sector and rapid development in the emerging economies like China, India, Brazil, Russia and few other East European Economies. The consumer market dominates the global packaging industry and accounts for an estimated 70% of the sales, while industrial application accounting for remaining 30% of it.

Indian packaging industry is currently valued at US $ 24.6 billion and ranks 11th in the world. The Indian Packaging Industry is expected to grow at 18% per year from its current 15% and expected to grow to US $ 32.5 billion by 2015. The packaging industry is poised to grow rapidly due to increased use of innovative packaging equipments and increased demand for flexible packaging.

With an increasing investment by domestic as well as the foreign companies in Indian food processing and pharmaceutical sectors, the market for packaging industry has expanded rapidly. The retail market, food & beverages and pharmaceutical segments occupy the largest share in the packaging industry, accounting for 85% and 10% respectively. Indian Government is taking various measures to permit FDI in the multi-brand retail. This emerging opportunity for the packaging industry is giving rise to new prospects for packaging machinery and equipment industry in India. More than 600 to 700 types of packaging machines and equipments are manufactured by SME sector. The market for India’s food packaging equipments amounts to US$ 80 million.

India comprises of big rural market and there has been growing focus on rural marketing, whereby manufacturers are introducing low-prices goods in smaller pack sizes. Low priced sachets have proved to be extremely popular in smaller towns and villages, where people do not prefer to buy larger packs due to financial constraints. Despite this, the growth in packaging industry has not been uniform and the industry remains highly fragmented.
In this background Hon’ble MOS has agreed to be present in Indian Institute of Packaging, Mumbai to lay the foundation stone for a construction of a New Academic Complex and attend valedictory function of INDPACK-2014 – a packaging Exhibition organized by IIP in Pragati Maidan stimulation to the growth of packaging industry.

Hon’ble MOS has appreciated IIP that Packaging is required by every kind of industry whether it is food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, readymade garments, even our currency notes needs proper packaging for the handling and transportation from one place to other place. This Institute has been providing the services to a large number of packaging and other industries for the last 47 years by way of providing the advices, consultancy services and of course, imparting the knowledge in packaging.

Further, Hon’ble MOS mentioned that “packaging education has got a bright future in our country. We all know that the food processing industries are growing rapidly. For enhancement of shelf life, innovative packaging materials, packaging machineries and systems are extremely essential. But at the same time, we do also need a large number of knowledgeable packaging technologists or professionals. I understand that this is the only Institute in the country which is imparting knowledge in packaging. The Institute has been conducting full time Post Graduate Diloma Programme in packaging at their different branches of the Institute. 2000 students have already been qualified from this Institute and they are working in different multinational companies.”

Hon’ble MOS has stressed the environmental concerns by saying plastic packaging has been developed vigorously, but this has also created a lot of hue and cry due to environmental hazards. Due to this fact, there is an urgent need for all the packaging professionals, technocrats and of course the Institute of Packaging to come together and undertake research based on the traditional packaging materials to develop innovative materials. This will not only be useful for the packaging of food productions but at the same time this will not create any problem to our environment.

Hon’ble MOS has urged for utilization of traditional materials like coconut shell, Areca nut leaves etc. in packaging application which will be cheaper indeed and it will also create employment generation.

Hon’ble MOS has appreciated that Institute for organizing its 16th edition of National Packaging exhibition under the banner of INDPACK -2014 with a theme o “Consumer Packaging – Challenges and Opportunities” at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Further, Institute has taken lot of efforts to bring about 90 exhibitors from all over India to Delhi and facilitate them to display their innovative packaging materials, machineries and systems and felt that this was an excellent opportunity for all the packaging material manufacturers, converters to get an excellent platform to interact with their customers.

Hon’ble MOS has impressed the gathering by saying Government of India has also taken a great initiative to introduce the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) scheme and inviting the leading foreign investor to come to India to invest in various sectors. Though, most of the packaging industries are covered under MSME but he was sure that under FDI, the leading foreign investor would be interested to set up their plant in India for the manufacturing of packaging materials to cater the consumption of materials to the retail outlet. It is well known fact that India with 1.25 billion population, is the second largest country in the world. The packaging is required in our daily life for food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and hence, the high populated country will have greater demand of consumption of packaging materials. In general Hon’ble MOS has concluded with stress that the Institute should look into the aspect of employment generation, utilization of natural resources, reduction of environmental pollution and finally to develop innovative packaging materials which will be patented.

To continue …….

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