Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi

It is a prestige and honour to be elected as office bearers of Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi . Moreso as President which post was adorned by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, First Prime Minister of India, Shri VK Krishna Menon, Mr Nagendrasingh , President and Judge of International Court of Justice , The Hague, Former Chief Justice of India and Judge of ICJ Justice Pathak and many academicians and Parliamentarians. Being elected in April 14, 2012 for three years and now further period of Three years from  May 2, 2015 to 2018 is my opportunity to develop the International Law. 

Justice Mr Madan Lokar , sitting Judge of Supreme Court and Life Member of ISIL has shown his commitment to International law  by conducting this election transparently and in fair manner.



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