Daily Archives: July 15, 2012

Education is for making good citizens of the world

Convocation address in Anandha Collage , Devakottai.  by Dr E M Sudarsana Natchiappan M P

Respected Rev Fr Principal, Secretary, Faculties, Students and Parents,My sincere thanks to the Governing body of the collage for inviting me to this Convocation and address the Graduates who are the future leaders of different fields of Development in India and the World,

‘Anand’ is a word to denote bliss , the process of  merging with supreme conscience .Every religion stipulates as the duty of every person in the world should strive to attain this ‘Ananda’ as the goal of birth.This collage is named as Anandha collage. This shows that the founders who belong to Christian Bishops and Priests , have made this collage as an Institution to attain the life goal to the students. It is great motivational force for having this name for the collage .I recollect my days in nearby De Brito school as Hostel student for 9 and 10 th Standard . The prime age and the education in this school shaped my life as my father expected. Because the education in Christian Bishops run schools and collages have the curriculum to bring out the total personality of the individual student nurtured in discipline and commitment.I am proud of you the graduates who were similarly benefited by comprehensive education with discipline in this collage with guidance of the Principal and faculties.


The education is nothing but of making good citizen to discharge his or her duty to the country and humanity. If a person is educated properly he can be the all sought out person in the society. He is the person creating followers unknowingly because of his way of living. He will be respected and accepted purely  on the basis of his or her contribution to the Society .How it happens :The education makes one to understand the environment in which one comes across. The response to the environment by such person will be beneficial to the the inter acting forces. This may be bit complicated or theoretical. But it will be a joy leading to the bliss . The simple way is to understand your life goal. You fix a goal as you feel on your likes and dislikes or capability or need for enhancing your capability. This work of fixing life goal should be done by you when you completed the graduation. You understand the world which looks at you in this robe. This day gives you happiness that University has adorn you with this robe on the assumptions that your understanding of the world earned this degree. This degree is not for getting employment but the entry for employability provided to  you by enhance your capability through  fixing the target to achieve your life goal.


What is the life goal: The ambition of a child on seeing the car driver will make him to say to become taxi driver. If the same child looks at a doctor treating a patient the child wants to imitate the doctor. If the child likes the teacher it reflects the behaviour of the teacher. But you crossed those days . You understood the world. Yes-  this world accepts the useful persons and rejects the useless activities or doer. Then you understood usefulness to the society which is much more important than how you enjoyed the world with friends who had no life goal fixed. Now you include one important factor to love the chosen field. Many a time youths were mislead that love towards opposite sex is the prime in  period of youth. It is other way round . The love towards your life goal – the field of profession is prime area of youthful days and continue to love that Goal whole heatedly through out the life and enjoy the happiness. The love and life with opposite sex is second part of life goal. Many of the youths put the cart before horse and end up with suffering. 


How to achieve the life goal: The life goal is the only thing that you have to decide and believe that you will achieve it. After a thorough study , once life goal is decided , you should not change it or doubt it. You put the targets to achieve it by years, months , days and hours and put it in your sub-conscience mind( brain) .Every day when you wake up in the morning and go to sleep in the night you recollect the same and have faith on it. This exercise will lay ‘ road map and reminders’, from your mind to start doing it. You follow the command and do not deviate from the command. You will achieve it .This is most confidential  between you and your heart and not to be revealed to anybody.


This is life .Living example: I am standing before you not to preach but to be a practitioner. I decided the present life of mine on my graduation in Science by setting the life goal and targets to achieve the same.I could become one in 543 Lok Sabha MPs being elected in 13 lakh population,and one among 245 Rajya Sabha MPs among 102 crore people. Become President of Indian society for International Law at New Delhi by election from out of International Experts  and Professors. I could change the system of examination in UPSC, CBI, Supreme court of India , appoint thousands of blind educated graduates , appoint thousands of Schedule Tribes and Schedule castes in backlog vacancies. I could make Chandrayaan to happen, Right to Informations Act, Women’s Reservation Bill, Election reform etc etc., A student who studied in De Britto, Devakottai could become third time MP ,due to hard work and the blessing of Madam Sonia Gandhi .why not you ? ‘Decide – commit- dedicate – work ‘ it will happen which happened to me after 40 years struggle.

Congratulations: This for you, one and all, Principal, Teachers, Parents and your family members. See you all in the ocean of our great society,Global world!

Vazhha Thamil  !  Jai  Hind !

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