Daily Archives: February 12, 2018

Parliament and Assembly – law making to imbibe international law obligations of Nation state

International Law is growing very fast and the domestic law could not catch up the speed . The international Law open up more opportunity for young lawyers academicians. As chairman of Parliamentary Standing committee we could recommend to Government of India to appoint International Law experts in every department of State and Union government (report No 81)since the law making in International law should be understood and implemented as obligation of the Nation and States. When the Parliament and Assemblies make the law they should have in mind and heart how the international law is addressing the issues and formulate obligations to Nation States.

In another aspect India has to have team of International Law experts to represent in WTO and such other forum when small Nations such as Netherlands have commitment with team of experts in every international law making, while India is depending upon IFS trained diplomats who may not have expertise in different field of Law making.

More so the International Tribunals numbering around 23, India is having only one representation in UN Law of seas Appellate Tribunal. India is having one Judge Justice Bhandari in International Court of Justice , The Hague elected with huge majority in UN.

The young Lawyers and academic people in International Law have so much opportunity to practice through out the world in these UN and allied bodies of adjudication in addition to international Arbitration and World Trade Organisation Appellate Tribunal.

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