Dr EM Sudarsana Natchiappan in Indian Parliament

Now, Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan to move a Resolution regarding need to declare the Tamil Language as the National Official Language and Thiruvalluvar’s birthday be celebrated as National Language Day. DR. E.M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN (TAMIL NADU): Thank you very much, Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir. This is one of the dreams to bring this on record of the august Parliament. I tried it twice but every time the last minute it had gone out. Today, I could get the fortune of bringing this Resolution before this august House. I move the following Resolution:This House resolves that:-

(i) the Tamil language as the ancient language of Mohenjadaro- Harappa civilization should be made the national official language;
(ii) Tamil should be notified by the Presidential order as court language in High Court at Madras and its Madurai Bench;

(iii) Thirukkural, the Ancient Tamil work should be declared as national classical book and translated into all Indian languages in the VIII schedule of Constitution of India; (iv) Thiruvalluvar’s birthday should be celebrated as national language day;

(v) Thirukkural should be part of study in every level of education in schools and colleges at national level and in all states; and
(vi) a Central University should be established in Thiruvalluvar’s name dedicated for world peace and equality.”

Sir, the Tamil was declared as a classical language in the UPA rule. Earlier, Sanskrit alone was the classical language and afterwards Tamil was also made the classical language because of the guidance of the then Chairperson of UPA, Madam Sonia Gandhi. Subsequently, the Dravidian languages of Telugu and Kannada were also declared as classical languages.

(Contd. b SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN(CONTD.): This ancient Dravidian culture, by record of history, has developed as a first civilisation in the world. Since there were no sufficient records available, the Chinese civilisation and the other Roman civilisation were taken as a prior one and a more accepted one throughout the world. Even the classical language and the architectural knowledge of the Tamil people was clearly proved by the Mohenjadaro and Harappan excavations. One part is now in Pakistan and the other part also is in the part of Pakistan. But, at the same time, the Indus civilization – so-called subsequently by the Britishers – has spread throughout the world. Tamil language was one of the ancient languages accepted by the UNESCO. It is an official language in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Maldives and a medium language in Malaysia and also in many of the countries, including the European countries, the Netherlands and other countries. USA, Canada, Australia and all other countries were following the language of Tamil and Tamil culture is also developing there by having many temples and architectural beauty of the Tamil culture. Sir, I was surprised on seeing how in the erstwhile Russian area, that is, the countries which were under the Soviet Russia have now become

separate countries in many parts of the Central Europe; when we visited there as an official delegation under the Chairman’s leadership, I could see that many of the people from those countries were talking in Tamil. If we take the origin of the Russian people, they may be having a different language or religion but they love the language and they study the Indian culture through Tamil medium. Similarly, throughout the world, you can see how the language has evolved. If you take the Apple, one of the very acceptable ways of communication through computers and phones, if you look at the Indian languages, it is having Tamil as a language for typewriting. Similarly, if you take Sri Lanka, Tamil is there. In other countries also, Tamil is one of the languages, taken up as a language of their own country. Throughout the world, Sangam literature, is a very ancient one. A poet, who belongs to my district, Kaniyan Pungundranar, told many centuries ago that Tamil people love the world. Everywhere, every person is king’s man for them and every place is their own home. Yaadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir. That was the basic tenor of the Tamil culture. Wherever they live, they accept that ecology, they accept that environment and they accept the culture. They absorb and assimilate themselves within the culture but, at the same time, theyretain the Tamil language. Wherever we go, the culture of the Tamil is also very much apparent. Even when you go to a restaurant, you can very easily find out from the food material the ancient culture of the Tamil people. You can take that type of food. The cultural aspect of architecture is accepted throughout the world. UNESCO has also accepted it. The Temple of Madurai is declared as one of the landmark locations of architecture. Similarly, many of the architectural beauties were accepted throughout the world.

Sir, the first part of the Resolution is on this basis of the Cultural Ministry. My friend hon. Minister Chaudhary is here, who is going to reply for this Resolution, I hope. I feel that Ministry of Culture is also connected with this Resolution. Similarly, the Human Resource Development Ministry has also to reply. The Ministry of Home Affairs is to reply on the acceptance of Tamil as an official language and Tamil should be declared an official language because it is a national language already accepted by the Constitution.

(Continued by 2N/YSR)

-BHS/YSR-GS/4.40/2NDR. E.M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN (CONTD.): The Justice Department has to accept it as court language. This is the second

point of my Resolution. It says that Tamil should be notified by a Presidential order as court language in High Court at Madras and its Madurai Bench. I am stressing on this point because when Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi was Chief Minister, he mooted the idea by sending an official letter to the then Chief Justice A.P. Shah requesting that Tamil should be made court language of the Madras High Court and its Madurai Bench. Immediately, the then Chief Justice of Madras High Court constituted a committee. That committee subsequently was convened under the Chairmanship of the Chief Justice of India, Justice Sathasivam. They made a recommendation that Tamil can be taken as court language provided certain things like simultaneous translation and the literature, which is available in English format, are made available in Tamil format for citation by different High Courts and the Supreme Court. Similarly, they asked for simultaneous translation in English and Tamil for non-Tamil speaking people who would be High Court Judges.

SHRIMATI PUSHPA SASIKALA: My leader also insisted on it.
DR. E.M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN: Kindly wait for a moment. I am only asking for it for the Tamil people. This recommendation of judges was again sent to the then Chief Minister. The Chief Minister then sent another letter asking how much money they would need for its implementation. They replied that they needed Rs.20 crore for the purpose. When Ms. Jayalalithaa became Chief Minister, she pursued it. She put it in her two subsequent manifestos that Tamil would be made court language in the High Court at Madras and its Madurai Bench. She also moved the file to the Government. I raised the question in this august House and the then hon. Law Minister, Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad, replied in the written format and also in the form of Starred Question that the Government of India is ready to take up Tamil as court language of the High Court at Madras and its Madurai Bench. At the same time, I feel that the Government is unnecessarily sending the files to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I will tell you why I am using the word ‘unnecessarily’. I will read the relevant portion from the Constitution. It is Article 348 (2).

“Notwithstanding anything in sub-clause (a) of clause (1), the Governor of a State may, with the previous consent of the President, authorise the use of the Hindi language, or any other language used for any official purposes of the State, in proceedings in the High Court having its principal seat in that State:

Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to any judgment, decree or order passed or made by such High Court.”

Therefore, there is no need for consultation with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court need not sit in judgement on giving a High Court the right to have a particular language. Regional languages or sub-regional languages can also get the right. This is purely part of the Executive discretion. The Governor will recommend it to the President. The President has to satisfy himself. And according to the Constitution, it is the Union Government, which has to satisfy itself that that language can be used as court language of a particular High Court. If it is satisfied, then it can be notified by a Presidential order. It is the second point of my Resolution, which I am moving today. Therefore, there is no need to waste time in sending the file again and again to the judiciary, which is not even ready to sit in another part of the country.

(Contd. DR. E.M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN (CONTD.): I am sorry to say that, but as Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice, I know that.

The Committee has recommended having three zonal benches of the Supreme Court at Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai. But, every time, the Supreme Court rejected it. Why? There is no reason for that. They rejected it saying that there is no need for that. It is a big country where you need access to justice. We need not seek judicial verdict on this issue. This is a mandate given by the Constitution that you can have the benches in different parts of the country. It is the prerogative of the people. It is the demand of the people. Therefore, we have to see to it that the Government should make the recommendation to the President, as the then hon. Law Minister, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, assured this House when he was replying to the Starred Question.

Then, the third one is regarding Thirukkural, the ancient Tamil work. The ruling Party is already propagating that they are supporting this cause. The Vice-Chairman, who is in the Chair now, Mr. Siva, had also raised this issue here earlier as Special Mention to declare Thirukkural as national classical work. It will give you a very clear picture of Indian culture. It has absorbed all the epics of Indian culture. It has said that human being is a divine human being. Divine human being has a certain thing to do in the world. For that, you need certain discipline. What are the disciplines that you have to follow? You need education. You need strategy. To rule a country, you need ambassadors to go to other countries so that trade can be developed. These are all part of it. Many centuries ago, Thirukkural had declared that. Similarly, it also speaks about culture. How human beings could come out with a good family of children, how they can develop a good family with male and female, how they can have hereditary as part not only of the family but also of the whole country, etc., are all very clearly depicted in a very lucid and simple language in Thirukkural. Therefore, what we request is that this should be made a national classical book. It is beyond religion. It also tells about the God if you accept it. If you do not accept the God, then you accept the nature. That is also said in that. Therefore, more or less, in one way, it is secular. In another way, it is a religious document. Therefore, it is a well-placed and well-practised document throughout the world and many countries have translated it including many European languages and the Chinese language. Many languages throughout the world have translated Thirukkural and they are using it in their day-to-day affairs.

Sir, then, next one is, I request that the Thiruvalluvar’s birthday should be celebrated as National Language Day. I even proposed in one of my speeches in this august House that there should be a day dedicated to the national languages contained in the Eighth Schedule. There are 22 languages. Members from a particular area should speak in their own language in this august House so that we have integrity. How have we created Hindi? Why was Hindi taken as a national language? Mahatma Gandhi said that there should be a National Hindi Commission. Why? He wanted to say that if five Indians are standing and talking to each other, words of every person’s mother language should be part of Hindi. Hindi should not be Sanskritised. It should be a language of Indian languages. All languages of India should be part of Hindi. That is Hindustani. We want to have Hindustani. If Hindustani is there, there is no need for anti-Hindi agitation in Tamil Nadu. If you accept Tamil words and absorb them into Hindi, Tamil people will accept that. If you say that you would like to have a purified, Sanskritised Hindi, then people will not accept it, except the people who know certain words in Sanskrit or those who use it for their livelihood.

I brought the point that Thirukkural should be studied at the levels ofschool and college education, at the national level and in all the States. Why I am making this request is because the Tamil language has no feeling of separation from any other language or culture. As I said in the initial part of the debate, the Tamil people wherever they go they assimilate that culture. They go along with the culture. You go to any villages in Uttar Pradesh or Odisha or Rajasthan or Gujarat, you will find Tamil people. I know that the hon. Minister may be having friends in Gujarat from Tamil culture. Similarly, when Gujaratis are coming to Chennai or Madurai or to any place, they absorb the Tamil language and they carry the Tamil literature. Therefore, this is a language which is loved by all the people. These are the people who love everybody as equals. There is no difference between the language and the people at any cost. That is the way the Tamil literature has been brought up. You can see in every part of the literature that people are part of thehumanity, part of the universe. The universe is having different positions and different directions. That is the way of Tamil people, and that is the way Tamil language is also spreading out.

I come to the last point. A Central University should be established in Thiruvalluvar’s name, dedicated to world peace and equality. Already there is a State university, called Thiruvalluvar University. But I request that there should be a Thiruvalluvar Central University dedicating itself for the cause of world peace and equality because Tamil language is for universal peace, the oneness of the universe. The Tamil language is for equality for everybody. Therefore, we need to propagate this message throughout the world; and throughout the world Tamil is taken up as one of the languages. Why shouldn’t be India making it as one of the official languages? I accept that all the 22 languages in the Eighth Schedule should be official languages. By using modern technology you can have all the languages simultaneously be used in India wherever they want to have it. We accept all the languages. We want Tamil language also to be given the prominence which it deserves. Thank you very much.गृह मंतर्ालय म􏰆 राज्य मंतर्ी (􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी): उपसभाध्यक्ष महोदय, डा. ई.एम. सुदशर्न नाच्चीय􏰋पन जी जो तिमल भाषा का रेजोलशू न लाए ह􏰂, उनके समथर्न म􏰆 हमारे आनंद भा􏰅कर जी, माननीय ितरुची िशवा जी, माननीय मेघराज जैन जी, 􏰀ीमती शिशकला पु􏰁पा जी, इन सभी सद􏰅य􏰉 ने अपनी भावनाएं और जो उनके तथ्य रखे ह􏰂, उन सभी का म􏰂 उ􏰏र दंूगा। उससे पहले म􏰂 आपको बताना चाहता हूँ िक भारत सरकार सभी भाषाओं का और उनके सािहत्यकास􏰐मानकरतीहै,परन्तुसरकारीकायर्के िलएकेन्दर्कीबहुतसी भाषाएं नहीं हो सकती ह􏰂, रा􏰁टर्भाषा के रूप म􏰆 बहुत सी भाषाएं अ􏰇यावहािरक ह􏰉गी। सरकार चाहती है िक िहन्दी का ऐसा 􏰈योग हो, िजसम􏰆 िविभन्न क्षेतर्ीय भाषाओं के श􏰑द ह􏰉। उससे िहन्दी स􏰐पकर् भाषा बनेगी। सिं वधान के अनुच्छेद 351 कीयहीभावनाहै।सिंवधानके अनुच्छेद346के अंतगतर् राज्यअपनीराजभाषा घोिषत कर सकते ह􏰂। के न्दर् सरकार िकसी भाषा को थोपना नहीं चाहतीमहोदय, नाच्चीय􏰋पन जी ने जो बताया, उसम􏰆 उन्ह􏰉ने 6 िबन्दुओं पर बात की है। कोटर् के बारे म􏰆 उन्ह􏰉ने पूछा िक चीफ जि􏰅टस ऑफ इंिडया का परामशर् क्य􏰉 िलया जाता है? साल 1965 म􏰆 यह िनणर्य िलया गया िक सिं वधान के अनुच्छेद 348(2) के अंतगतर् आने वाले मामले उच्चतम न्यायालय म􏰆 चीफ जि􏰅टस ऑफ इंिडया के परामशर् के िलए भेजे जाएंगे। ऐसा सिं वधान के अनुच्छेद 348(2) म􏰆 िलखा है। हाई कोट्सर् के जो जज ह􏰂, वे िविभन्न हाई कोट्सर् म􏰆 भी 􏰅थानातं िरतहोतेह􏰂औरहाईकोट्सर्कीजजम􏰆टिविभन्नन्यायालय􏰉म􏰆संदभर्के तौर पर भी 􏰈योग म􏰆 ली जाती ह􏰂। चीफ जि􏰅टस ऑफ इंिडया को 􏰈शासिनक कायर् भी करना है। आप सब लोग􏰉 ने जो भावना 􏰇य􏰊 की है, सरकार ने भी उसम􏰆 कई कदम उठाए ह􏰂। इनम􏰆 जजम􏰆ट्स का दूसरी भाषाओं म􏰆 भी भाषातं रण करने का 􏰈यास िकया है, लेिकन म􏰂 तथ्य आधािरत बात करता हूँ िक हमारे सिं वधान िनमार्ताओं ने भाषा के सवाल पर 􏰇यापक िवचार-िवमशर् िकया था और उन्ह􏰉नेकेवलिहन्दीकोसघं कीराजभाषाघोिषतिकयाथा।यिदिकसीक्षेतर्ीय भाषा को अितिर􏰊 राजभाषा बनाने का 􏰈􏰅ताव 􏰅वीकार िकया जाता है, तो देश म􏰆 दूसरी अनुसूिचत भाषाओं को, लोग अपनी-अपनी भाषाओं को राजभाषा का दजार् देने की मागं कर􏰆गे। सघं की राजभाषा के अनु􏰈योग के सबं धं म􏰆 संवैधािनक तथा कानूनी 􏰈ावधान पयार्􏰋त है। इसिलए िफलहाल यह आव􏰎यकता अथवा 􏰈शासिनक िहत म􏰆 नहीं है िक तिमल को सघं की अितिर􏰊 राजभाषा बनाया जाए। क्षेतर्ीय भाषाओं म􏰆 िकसी एक भाषा को राजभाषा घोिषत करने के िलए सिंवधान म􏰆 संशोधन करना आव􏰎यक होगा। सिंवधान के अनुच्छेद 343 म􏰆 राजभाषा का 􏰈ावधान सिं वधान की आधारभतू आव􏰎यकता है….

(2वाई/आरपीएम पर जारी) 􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी (कर्मागत): महोदय, इसम􏰆 िकसी भी 􏰈कार का सशं ोधन करने से रा􏰁टर्􏰇यापी िवरोध की आशंका है और इस 􏰈कार का िवरोध हो सकता है, जो िक शािं तपूणर् न हो। िकसी क्षेतर्ीय भाषा को राजभाषा बनाने की ि􏰅थित म􏰆 ऐसी भाषा के जानकार 􏰇यि􏰊य􏰉 को िनयु􏰊 करना होगा और उन्ह􏰆 􏰈िशक्षण देना होगा और इसके िलए अन्य 􏰈शासिनक 􏰇यव􏰅था करनी होगी, िजससे राजभाषा के रूप म􏰆 मान्यता 􏰈ा􏰋त भाषा म􏰆 अनुवाद की सुिवधा सुलभ हो।

महोदय, डा. ई.एम.सुदशर्न नाच्चीय􏰋पन साहब ने अपने भाषण म􏰆 िजस दूसरे िबन्दु की बात कही थी, उसके बारे म􏰆 म􏰂 कहना चाहता हूं िक संिवधान म􏰆 पहले से ही उच्च न्यायालय􏰉 म􏰆 अंगर्ेजी के साथ िहन्दी अथवा राज्य􏰉 की राजभाषा के 􏰈योग को 􏰈ािधकृ त करने का 􏰈ावधान है। िकसी राज्य के राज्यपाल, रा􏰁टर्पित की पूवर् स􏰐मित से उच्च न्यायालय की कायर्वाही म􏰆 िजसका उस राज्य म􏰆 मुख्य 􏰅थानहै,िहन्दीभाषाकायाउसराज्यकी􏰈शासिनक􏰈योजन􏰉के िलए􏰈योग होने वाली िकसी अन्य भाषा का 􏰈योग 􏰈ािधकृ त कर सकते ह􏰂।

महोदय, पूवर् म􏰆 इस 􏰈कार के मामले सरकार को 􏰈ा􏰋त हुए ह􏰂। यहां यह उ􏰄लेख करना 􏰈ासिंगक होगा िक िदनाकं 21-05-1965 को स􏰐पन्न हुई मंितर्मंडलीय सिमित की बठै क म􏰆 यह िनणयर् िलया गया था िक एक ऐसी पिरपाटी चलाई जाए, िजसके अन्तगतर् सिं वधान के अनुच्छेद 342, सैक्शन 2 के अधीन 􏰈ा􏰋त िकसी 􏰈􏰅ताव पर अपनी मंजूरी देने से पहले, रा􏰁टर्पित भारत के मुख्य न्यायमूिर्त से परामशर् कर􏰆गे। इस मामले पर वषर् 1997, 1999, 2007 और 2012 म􏰆 उच्चतम न्यायालय की सुिवचािरत राय ली गई। ऐसे सभी अवसर􏰉 पर भारत के उच्च न्यायालय􏰉 की सलाह थी िक वतर्मान म􏰆 उच्च न्यायालय􏰉 􏰍ारा िदए जाने वाले आदेश􏰉, िडिकर्य􏰉 तथा अन्य कायर्वाही के िलए क्षेतर्ीय भाषा का 􏰈योग उिचत नहीं होगा। उच्च न्यायालय􏰉 की कायर्वाही म􏰆 िहन्दी तथा क्षेतर्ीय भाषा के 􏰈योग के संबधं म􏰆 िविध और न्याय मंतर्ालय ने 8 जुलाई, 2014 को भारत केमुख्यन्यायमूिर्तकापरामशर्पुनःमागंा।भारतकेमुख्यन्यायमूिर्तनेिदनाकं 7 अग􏰅त, 2014 के अपने पतर् म􏰆 यह याद िदलाया िक उच्चतम न्यायालय ने 2012, 2007, 1999 और 1997 के 􏰈􏰅ताव􏰉 को नामंजूर कर िदया है और यह मामला न्यायालय की पूणर् पीठ म􏰆 िवचार के िलए पुनः 􏰈􏰅तुत िकया जाएगा। इस मामले म􏰆 उच्चतम न्यायालय के िनणयर् की 􏰈तीक्षा हम को है।

महोदय, 􏰈ाचीन तिमल गर्ंथ, िजसके बारे म􏰆 डा. ई.एम. सुदशर्न नाच्चीय􏰋पन साहब ने बताया था िक “ितरुक्कु रल” को रा􏰁टर्ीय शा􏰅तर्ीय गर्ंथ घोिषतिकयाजाएतथाउसकाअनुवादभारतके सिंवधानकीआठवींअनुसूची म􏰆 उि􏰄लिखत सभी भाषाओं म􏰆 िकया जाए। म􏰂 उन्ह􏰆 बताना चाहता हूं िक वतर्मान म􏰆 िकसी गर्ंथ को रा􏰁टर्ीय शा􏰅तर्ीय गर्ंथ घोिषत करने की हाल म􏰆 कोई नीित नहीं है, तथािप मानव संसाधन िवकास मंतर्ालय के अधीन कायर्रत …(􏰇यवधान)… 􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी: अभी जो पािलसी है, उसके अनुसार म􏰂 आपको बता रहा हूं। म􏰂 इससे आगे िडटेल म􏰆 बता रहा हूं जो अभी सरकार कर रही है वह यह िक यह जो गर्ंथ है, उसे कई भाषाओं म􏰆 भाषान्तिरत कर के 􏰈􏰅तुत िकया जाएगा। िकतना काम िकया है, वह भी म􏰂 आपको बता रहा हूं। मानव ससं ाधन िवकास मंतर्ालय के अधीन कायर्रत 􏰅वाय􏰏 स􏰅ं था, Central Institute of Classical Tamil, सी.आई.सी.टी. चेन्नई 􏰍ारा िन􏰐निलिखत िववरण के अनुसार ितरुक्कुरलगर्ंथके अनुवादकाकायर्िकयाजारहाहै।उसम􏰆िकतनीभाषाओंम􏰆 अनुवाद का काम िकया जा रहा है, वह म􏰂 बताना चाहता हूं। अभी तक छः भाषाओं म􏰆 हम लोग􏰉 ने अनुवाद का काम िकया है। सं􏰅थान 􏰍ारा ितरुक्कु रल गर्ंथ का अनुवाद कायर् सभी भारतीय भाषाओं म􏰆 िकया जा रहा है।

(2Z/MP/ पर आगे) 􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी (कर्मागत) : इस गर्ंथ का सभी भारतीय भाषाओं म􏰆 अनुवाद िकया जाएगा। हाल ही म􏰆 स􏰅ं थान 􏰍ारा मिणपुरी और पजं ाबी भाषाओं म􏰆 अनुवाद कायर् स􏰐पन्न िकए गए ह􏰂। स􏰅ं थान 􏰍ारा शा􏰅तर्ीय सािहत्य को इलेक्टर्ॉिनक मीिडया तक पहुंचाने का 􏰈यास भी िकया जाएगा। स􏰅ं थान 􏰍ारा इस सािहित्यक गर्ंथ की 􏰀􏰇य सीडी (ऑिडयो सीडी) और दृ􏰎य सीडी के 􏰈ोजेक्ट के िलए सहायता 􏰈दान की जाएगी। इलेक्टर्ॉिनक मीिडया के िलए जो खचार् करनापड़ेगा,उसके िलएभीसरकारतैयारहै।महोदय, सीआईसीटी 􏰍ारा ितरूक्कु रल को मोबाइल एि􏰋लके शन म􏰆 भी शुरू िकया गया है। तिमलनाडु के महामिहम राज्यपाल के सौजन्य से ितरूक्कु रल के अनुवाद कायर् को तेलुगू तथा कन्नड़ भाषाओं म􏰆 भी 􏰈कािशत िकया गया है। स􏰅ं थान 􏰍ारा 13.11.2014 को ितरूक्कु रल के पोरुतपल और कामतुप􏰄ल के अंगर्ेज़ी भाषा म􏰆 18 सव􏰒􏰏म अनुवाद के सकं लन 􏰈कािशत िकए गए ह􏰂। ितरूक्कु रल का गुजराती भाषा म􏰆 भी अनुवाद 􏰈काशन के िलए तैयार है, गुजराती भाषा म􏰆 भी उसका अनुवाद कराया गया है।

इसके अितिर􏰊, आपने जो अभी बताया िक क􏰆 दर्ीय माध्यिमक िशक्षा बोडर् (सीबीएसई) 􏰍ारा दसवीं कक्षा के िलए 􏰈कािशत “बोलचाल की सं􏰅कृ त” पा􏰓-पु􏰅तक म􏰆 􏰀ी ितरूव􏰄लुवर के सदं ेश􏰉 को शािमल िकया गया है। उ􏰏र भारत सिहत सपं ूणर् भारत के 􏰅कू ल􏰉 म􏰆 स􏰅ं कृ त भाषा के पा􏰓कर्म􏰉 म􏰆 सतं ितरूव􏰄लुवर के महान ितरूक्कु रल गर्ंथ के उपदेश􏰉 का एक सपं ूणर् अध्याय शािमल िकया गया है। जैसा आपने कहा, तो सब जगह􏰉 पर िजतनी भी भाषाएं ह􏰂,कोईभीभाषाबाकीनरहे,ऐसाकामएचआरडीिमिन􏰅टर्ीके 􏰍ारासरकार कर रही है।

अभीनाच्चीय􏰋पनसाहबनेकहािकसतं ितरूव􏰄लुवरकेजन्मिदवसको रा􏰁टर्ीय भाषा िदवस के रूप म􏰆 मनाया जाए, लेिकन सरकार इस 􏰈􏰅ताव से सहमत नहीं है क्य􏰉िक अन्य सािहित्यक तथा 􏰈मुख िव􏰍ान􏰉 के जन्मिदन से सबं िं धत अनेक􏰉 अनुरोध 􏰈ा􏰋त ह􏰉गे और उनके जन्मिदवस को मनाने की मागं 􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी : जो कु छ हमने िकया है, वह आप सुिनए, उसम􏰆 कोई कमी होगी तो सरकार उसे करने के िलए तैयार है। तो सरकार इस 􏰈􏰅ताव से सहमत नहीं है क्य􏰉िक अन्य सािहित्यक तथा 􏰈मुख िव􏰍ान􏰉 के जन्मिदन से सबं िं धत अनेक􏰉 अनुरोध 􏰈ा􏰋त ह􏰉गे और उनके जन्मिदवस को मनाने की मागं की जाएगी, तथािप भारत सरकार 􏰍ारा 􏰀ी ितरूव􏰄लुवर के जन्मिदवस के अवसर पर जनवरी, 2015 से संपूणर् भारत की शैक्षिणक स􏰅ं थाओं म􏰆, सभी 􏰅कू ल􏰉 तथा उच्च शैक्षिणक स􏰅ं थान􏰉 म􏰆 􏰀ी ितरूव􏰄लुवर के जीवन तथा काय􏰌 पर आधािरत िनबधं 􏰈ितयोिगता, सेिमनार, वाद-िववाद आिद कायर्कर्म कराने का 􏰈􏰅ताव है। पूरे भारत म􏰆 ऐसे कं पीटीिशन ह􏰉गे, ऐसी सूचना एचआरडी िमिन􏰅टर्ी ने दे दी है।

हमारे एक दूसरे िमतर् ने बताया िक ितरूक्कु रल को रा􏰁टर्ीय 􏰅तर पर तथा सभी राज्य􏰉 के 􏰅कू ल और कॉलेज􏰉 म􏰆, सभी 􏰅तर􏰉 की िशक्षा म􏰆, अध्ययन का िह􏰅सा बनाया जाए। नाच्चीय􏰋पन साहब ने कहा िक इसको पा􏰓पु􏰅तक म􏰆 रखना चािहए, तो इस सबं ंध म􏰆 हमने जो काम िकए ह􏰂, अब म􏰂 वह बताता हूं। िशक्षा सिं वधान की समवतीर् सूची म􏰆 होने के कारण राज्य सरकार􏰉 के अधीन कायर्रत शैक्षिणक स􏰅ं थान􏰉 म􏰆 अध्ययन के चयन का िनणयर् राज्य सरकार 􏰍ारा िकया जाता है। (3A/SC-KLS पर जारी) 􏰀ी हिरभाई पाथीर्भाई चौधरी (कर्मागत) : जहां तक के न्दर् सरकार के अधीन कायर्रत 􏰅कू ल􏰉 और उच्च िशक्षण स􏰅ं थान􏰉 का सबं धं है, 􏰅कू ल􏰉 के िलए पा􏰓कर्म􏰉 का िनधार्रण रा􏰁टर्ीय िशक्षा अनुसंधान एवं 􏰈िशक्षण पिरषद (एनसीईआरटी) तथा के न्दर्ीय माध्यिमक िशक्षा बोडर् (सीबीएसई) 􏰍ारा िकया जाता है जो िक 􏰅वाय􏰏 स􏰅ं था है। जहां तक िव􏰎विव􏰔ालय􏰉 का सबं ंध है, वे भी 􏰅वाय􏰏 संगठन ह􏰂 तथा िव􏰎विव􏰔ालय अनुदान आयोग 􏰍ारा िनधार्िरत मानदंड􏰉 के अनुसार संबिं धत िव􏰎विव􏰔ालय के अकादिमक पिरषद 􏰍ारा पा􏰓कर्म􏰉 का िनधार्रण िकया जाता है।

डा0 ई.एम.सुदशर्न नाच्चीय􏰋पन ने के न्दर्ीय िव􏰎विव􏰔ालय की 􏰅थापना के बारे म􏰆 भी बात की थी। भारत सरकार 􏰍ारा स􏰆टर्ल इं􏰅टी􏰕ूट ऑफ क्लािसकल तिमल (सीआईसीटी), चेन्नई की 􏰅थापना की गयी है, जो एक 􏰅वाय􏰏 िनकाय है। यह स􏰅ं था सपं ूणर् रूप से तिमल भाषा के शा􏰅तर्ीय पक्ष से सबं िं धत अनुसधं ान कायर् पर ही के िन्दर्त है और साथ ही तिमल भाषा की 􏰈ाचीनता तथा अि􏰍तीयता जैसे महत्वपूणर् िवषय से सबं ंिधत कायर् करती है। इसम􏰆 हमने ितरूव􏰄लुवर 􏰍ारा रिचत ितरूक्कु रल को भी शािमल िकया है। चूिं क यह सब िकया गया है, इसिलए के न्दर्ीय िव􏰎विव􏰔ालय की 􏰅थापना करने की आव􏰎यकता महसूस नहीं होती है।

महोदय, सभी सद􏰅य􏰉 ने इस चचार् म􏰆 भाग िलया और अच्छे सुझाव भी िदए। म􏰂 सरकार की ओर से डा0 ई.एम.सुदशर्न नाच्चीय􏰋पन से िवनती करता हूं क वे इस रेज़ो􏰄यूशन को वापस ल􏰆। जो अन्य कदम उठाने ह􏰉गे, वे हम सपं ूणर् तरीके से उठाएंगे, लेिकन इस रेज़ो􏰄यशू न से म􏰂 असहमत हूं और आपसे अनुरोध करता हूं िक कृ पया आप इसे वापस ले ल􏰆।

DR. E.M. SUDARSANA NATCHIAPPAN (TAMIL NADU): I appreciate the long history which is more or less expressed by the hon. Minister. But I could understand that out of six demands, he is ready to take upthree demands and they are in the process of being implemented. But the other three demands, making it as an official language and also making it a language of the court have to be pursued by this Government because you have got majority in your hand. When we were trying to bring it as a classical language, there was some opposition. Even then we could bring Tamil, Telugu and Kannada as classical language. Similarly, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru had promised at that time and made it properly clear that English will be the link language till the Tamil, non-Hindi speaking people, accept it.

(Contd by 3B/USY) Late Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri had made a specific point that whatever the communication sent by the Union Government to all the States in India, except Tamil Nadu, could be sent in Hindi. That is the promise that they were holding. We are not asking for anything extraordinary. But we want to have it as a part of the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution. And, it should be accepted as an official language. As regards getting the acceptance of the Supreme Court of India, it will never happen because the case of Gujarati, as a court language for the State of Gujarat, is also pending before the Supreme Court; the case of Rajasthani is also pending before the Supreme Court. Please consider taking Tamil language. Therefore, I am not in a position to withdraw my Resolution. Let it be decided by voting.


“This House resolves that:-
(i) the Tamil language as the ancient language of Mohenjadaro -Harappa civilization should be made the national official language;

ii) Tamil should be notified by the Presidential order as court language in High Court at Madras and its Madurai Bench;

(iii) Thirukkural, the Ancient Tamil work should be declared as national classical book and translated into all Indian languages in the VIII schedule of Constitution of India;

(iv) Thiruvalluvar’s birthday should be celebrated as national language day;

(v) Thirukkural should be part of study in every level of education in schools and colleges at national level and in all states; and

(vi) a Central University should be established in Thiruvalluvar’s name dedicated for world peace and equality.”

The motion was negatived.

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