Monthly Archives: February 2012

Request to Elam Tamils who are willing to return to their Motherland with Humanrights

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ATT is necessary for global economy

Let us live together ………

Democracy at global level is evolving through various thinking and formulations. One among them is Non Government organisation / voluntary organisations. In many of the practicing democracies the democratically elected representatives with independent thoughts and actions  cannot exist unless he/ she learns the way of existence among the so called ‘ majority opinion’. The person ought to have waited for long years of struggle till minority opinion becomes majority opinion as Mahatma Gandhi did it. If not, stars  in the universe can try by linking with other stars  from various distances overcoming the barrier of Nation,  and languages. This is further speeded up by digital technology available in everybody’s hands. Many middle east  countries are  melting down into  fluidity  because of this action.
International wave of change:
The thinking of ‘ live and let others to live’ has many facets . But now ‘ let all of us live together or die together’, is the wave of thinking . It took to ten years each to accept the international convention on CTBT and chemical weapons. But in half of the time Arms Trade Treaty  has come up with all liveliness. As member of PGA  I could attend 3rd ( July 2011)and 4th (Feb 2012)Prep Com On Arms Trade Treaty, United Nations , New York. Many of the diplomats by their experience say the  diplomatic meet in July 2012 may further the decision. But I feel it will have the acceptance of UN General Assembly  and  conclude Arms Trade Treaty.
This has to be the compulsion of globalisation. Capital, production of goods and services, can not be in the global market   without ATT. If arms trade can also be within the Internationally regulated market then the global economy can thrive by proper monitoring and transparency in governance . 
This is the necessity for existence of humanity.
                        From UN New York 15th February 2012

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