Judicial observation of courts are very much appreciated by the people. Earlier the observation of any court was made on the basis of written order quoted by press as an authenticated observation having an impact on the stakeholders and the public at large. But now a days the print media and electronic media are creating and satisfying the appetite for information to the people by putting oral observations of the Judges more of High court and Supreme Court. Even the so called ‘docket orders’ are not getting such thrill and impact as the oral clarifications , responses and comments of judges to the submissions of Advocates and high lights to Government representations. Many a time these reporting are having telling effect on the day today performances of the Police Officers, Beaurocrats, Administrators, Governments , Constitutional authorities, Ministers, including Prime Minister. There is no system created for authenticity of such oral observations and remedy for any grievances of the such affected personalities.
Under Art. 105 the Parliament members are having freedom of speech but subjected to the rule making powers of the house. This restriction on freedom coupled with verbatim recording of such observations have protected the interest of such affected parties to seek remedy if it causes damages to his or her reputation .
Hence I request the government to make necessary law under Art 145 of Constitution of India to make recording in Supreme court and High courts ,of Judges and Advocates and parties in persons, oral submissions and observations , in verbatim reporting system,or vediorecording as public document as followed in Parliament
This was made by me as ‘specially mention’ in Indian Parliament Rajya Sabha